Spring Cleaning? Have to much "stuff" laying around? Need somewhere to have a YardSale? Look no further!! The Town of Reidville will be shutting down Main Street for those who would like to set up tables and chairs and have a Main Street Yard Sale. There is no charge to participate. All we ask is that you enter off of Gaston Drive. The spots will be marked, just fill them in as you arrive. You can begin setting up at 6am. All items must be off Main Street by 1pm, for traffic to resume.
New to Reidville? Already live in Reidville, but don't know anyone? Or just a Reidville native and like to meet new people? Come out to the Town of Reidville Meet & Greet. The Town of Reidville will be featuring local businesses, churches, and HOA's on Main Street. There will be a few food trucks and activities for kids. Come out and meet the Reidville Town Council and Staff.
As you know littering in Spartanburg County and everywhere is a problem. The Town of Reidville has a road sanitation gentleman that does a great job at keeping Reidville streets picked up. The Reidville Town Council and Staff will be on the streets this day around Reidville assisting in additional pickup. Lunch will be provided to all those who volunteer. Bags, vest, and gloves provided to volunteers.
Come out to Main Street for a day of fun for the kids! A donation bin will be at the Town table for those who would like to donate to Reidville Elementary Teacher needs.
The Town of Reidville Fall Festival is one of the Town's biggest events. The Town of Reidville will close down Main Street for Craft Vendors, food trucks, petting zoo, bouncy houses, tap truck, live band and more! If you are interested in being a craft vendor, please email assistantclerk@townofreidvillesc.com. If you are interested in being a food vendor, please email admin@townofreidvillesc.com.
Looking for a safe place to take the kids on Halloween? Look no further. The Town of Reidville offers a safe friendly environment for Trunk or Treat.
Reidville's Biggest event of the Year. The Town Christmas Festival and Parade!! The Town of Reidville will close Main Street for craft vendors, food trucks, petting zoo, bouncy houses, tap truck, and more for you to enjoy prior to the awaited Reidville Christmas Parade. You will find Santa Elves ready to help your little one write Santa a letter and assist you will capturing that precious picture of your children with Santa. The Reidville Parade theme will be CandyLand. There will be a trophy for 1st & 2nd place best dressed float/vehicle.
If you are interested in being a vendor at the Christmas festival, email assistantclerk@townofreidvillesc.com.
If you are interested in being a food vendor at the Christmas Festival or participating in the Town Parade, please email admin@townofreidvillesc.com.