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Welcome to the Town of Reidville

The Town of Reidville is located between Hwy 290 and Hwy 101 corridor.   Established in 1857 and reincorporated in 1997 by Rev. Robert Reid, Reidville offers a growing community with a small-town feel. 


Whether you’re coming here on vacation or business, just passing through, or are a lifelong resident, we welcome your interest in this community we call home.




A Citizens Engagement Portal has been established in hopes to streamline communication with citizens and improve transparency.  If you should have a complaint or see an issue within the Reidville Town Limits, please use the citizens engagement portal link to connect with the Town. As always, you may still call the Town Hall at 864-486-9614.

In better means to communicate with the public and Reidville Residents, the Town will be implementing Text My Gov.  Please sign up for the alerts you would like to receive.  Reidville residents be sure to follow Reidville Alerts for resident alerts. 


View terms and privacy policy info at  

Msg & Data rates apply. Please visit: 

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Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

The Town of Reidville disclaims all liabilities associated with any inadvertent inaccuracies within this web site. This web site is provided as a service from The Town of Reidville and great effort is made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the contents contained herein. All contents are compiled from a variety of other online agencies and other sources and are subject to change without prior notice.

You will be leaving when you click on many of the links from this web site. The Town of Reidville does not assume responsibility for the contents, nor endorses any opinions expressed on any of these outside Web sites.

If you choose to share personal information with us by utilizing any of our Contact Links, that information is available only to Town of Reidville Employees who provide a service related to your correspondence. Access is given to those qualified professionals who are assigned the job of providing services consistent with your interactions with the Town of Reidville’s web site.

These guidelines are subject to change. It is therefore recommended that you refer back to them periodically.

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